February 2019 – Design PermaBlitz

On the weekend I ran a design PermaBlitz. This means that rather than having a Blitz where we all work like mad turning someone’s garden into a permaculture paradise, we instead meet in the client’s garden and all come up with designs and as many ideas as we can.

The day started with a walk around the property while we listened to the needs of the client and analysed the site. Lots of questions flew back and forth as we gathered information about the site and the people who will be using it. Next we stopped for a quick afternoon tea before sitting down with paper and pencil to put our ideas into something more tangible.

There is only so much that can be achieved in 3 to 4 hours but with many brilliant minds all working together it makes for a fast-paced and exciting design project. At the end of the session, the client comes away with several different designs as well as tonnes of various bits and pieces of information to wade through. They can then mix-and-match and pick out all of their favourite parts of the designs to come up with the perfect garden plan to suit their needs.

Now, I really love running the working PermaBlitzes, but I have to say that a design Blitz is by far my favourite!

So are you stuck for ideas about what to do in your garden? You have stared at it for so long now that everything is becoming a blur and you just don’t know where to start? Why not hold your own Design PermaBlitz party and invite over all of your friends and get them to inject new ideas into your little corner of paradise. You might just be surprised at what little pearls of wisdom that others bring to the table.

Now run outside and create your oasis!