Our last Permablitz for the year was a huge success. The home owner is participating in the Sydney Edible Garden Trail next March and there were a few areas of her garden which needed some work to prepare for this event. Some very exciting projects for this blitz including installing IBC wicking beds, constructing a lasagna garden, and preparing a “help yourself” neighbourhood herb garden and street library.
When people design their garden they often forget that they are part of a wider community. A street library and a herb garden on your street verge is an excellent way to combine the two Permaculture ethics of “People Care” and “Fair Share”. I absolutely love the community spirit of a street garden that says “Slow down, life is to be lived. Sit a moment and look through my books. And when you are done, pick my fresh herbs and take them home for your dinner tonight”. I can already see the smiles it will put on faces 😊.
Now run outside and create your neighbourhood oasis!