Category: Permaculture Plants

  • Creating a Food Forest

    Creating a Food Forest

    On the weekend a group of PDC students viewed my property as part of their course. It was wonderful being able to share all of the things that I have learnt while designing and developing my gardens. With this post I hope to also give you some ideas that you may not have thought of…

  • Nitrogen Fixing Legumes

    Nitrogen Fixing Legumes

    No doubt you have all heard about the important role that nitrogen plays in your soil. Many of you have also heard of the great benefits of the legumes (peas and beans for example) to add nitrogen to your soil. But unless you have done endless research trying to understand the processes and reasons behind…

  • Banana Circle

    Banana Circle

    The banana circle has become as iconic in permaculture design as the herb spiral and chicken tractor. A banana circle is simply a circular hole about 2m in diameter and up to 1m deep. The earth removed from the hole is mounded around the outside and used to grow plants. The pit in the middle…

  • Bamboo – Plant of Many Uses

    Bamboo – Plant of Many Uses

    Bamboo – you either love it or hate it, but let’s take a closer look through the eyes of a permaculturist. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on the planet. There are over 1400 species of bamboo ranging from a recently discovered tiny 2cm tall bamboo species to a gigantic 30m specimen. Bamboo has a…

  • Comfrey – # 1 Permaculture Plant

    Comfrey – # 1 Permaculture Plant

    I could not profess to being a true soldier of permaculture were I to not begin my “Permaculture Champions” series with COMFREY. I’ve heard it called the “Queen of Permaculture”, and a fitting title it is! Comfrey (Symphytum officinale), is one of the most useful plants in any permaculture garden. Hardy, relatively trouble free and…