November 2017 PermaBlitz

Our last permablitz for the year saw Permaculture Sydney West descend upon a garden at Kurrajong this weekend.

It is amazing what a huge difference willing workers can make in just a few hours. All hands on deck and we had (a) demolished an old carport ready for a new vegetable garden and compost bays to go in – reusing the materials from the carport, of course (b) painted a wooden picket fence (c) removed several wisteria vines from the front fence (c) removed morning glory vines from the side fence (d) pruned back an overgrown orange tree (e) planted 10 new fruit trees and bushes – 3 of the fruit trees were also espaliered against the fence (f) removed some large limbs from a jacaranda tree which was shading the front yard.

Sometimes your list of garden chores may appear insurmountable and are put in that all too familiar “I’ll get around to that ONE day” basket. When I attend a permablitz I love seeing the change that it has made – I don’t necessarily mean in the garden, although that is powerfully obvious – I am talking about the change in the owner of the house we have transformed. It’s that increased energy and momentum that the giant leap forward has given them. I love watching that spark ignite…. and continue to burn…